Canadian Chapter is a video program hosted by Siavash Shekarian and it is broadcasted on this page and on YouTube. In this program, Siavash, a senior immigration lawyer and a member of the Law Society of Ontario, reviews the biggest events in the immigration world.
All videos are released in Full HD resolution
Every episode has English subtitles
Siavash Shekarian answers your questions about each episode.
The topics cover immigrants’ concerns. In this program, Siavash Shekarian familiarizes you with life in Canada and reviews ways to start or obtain a business in North America.
Immigration is a popular choice among Iranians who want to enhance their business and improve their lifestyles, and that’s why there is a lot of disinformation in this field. As a senior official lawyer, Siavash Shekarian validates all the information before every episode to ensure that viewers will receive reliable and up-to-date data regarding immigration.
Canadian Chapter’s videos are released on streaming platforms like this page and on YouTube. Besides, visitors are notified before the release of every episode and can view highlights on social media. Therefore, it can’t be downloaded but you can watch it with the best quality and on the fastest cloud servers round the clock.
You can share your thoughts with us through the Contact Form provided. You can feel free to contact us to propose new topics through the same channel.